Megan M. Boler is Professor and Associate Chair in the Department of Humanities, Social Sciences and Social Justice in Education, OISE/University of Toronto; and Associate Faculty of Knowledge Media Design Institute. Her books include Digital Media and Democracy: Tactics in Hard Times (MIT Press, 2008) and DIY Citizenship: Critical Making and Social Media with Matt Ratto, (forthcoming 2013, MIT Press). She is the recipient of two major research grants from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council: the first 3-year project, “Rethinking Media, Citizenship and Democracy: Digital Dissent after 9/11,” used mixed-methods to examine the motivations of producers of “digital dissent”.
Her current funded 3-year project focuses on how young people’s social media practices are redefining what counts as civic engagement, with focus on how Occupy Movement women activists’ digital media practices are redefining participatory democracy. Her web-based productions include a study guide to accompany the documentary The Corporation (dirs. Achbar and Abbott 2003), and the multimedia website Critical Media Literacy in Times of War.
You can find out more about her on her website.