Jonathan Mcintosh is a Pop Culture Hacker and Transformative Storyteller.
He has been remixing mass media narratives for critical purposes since before the invention of YouTube. Everything he makes is freely available on the internet to view, share and remix.
His viral remix videos “Buffy vs Edward” and “Donald Duck meets Glenn Beck” have been featured and discussed by major media publications including The New York Times, The Washington Post, The LA Times and on National Public Radio. His online videos have been recommended by Roger Ebert and celebrated by Lawrence Lessig, while Glenn Beck has said of Jonathan’s work “It is some of the best, well made propaganda I’ve ever seen”.
Jonathan has been invited to gives lectures and facilitate workshops internationally on remix video, transformative storytelling, fair use and dynamic HTML5 video tools. His remix and HTML5 video works are often included on course syllabi and screened in classrooms by educational and media literacy organizations. As a member of the Open Video Alliance and the Organization for Transformative Works, Jonathan is an outspoken advocate of the fair use doctrine and open video standards on the web.
Jonathan can be found on Twitter @radicalbytes and on his blog